Why chaos is bad for your business

Vehicle Fitout

Clutter and chaos have a negative effect on your brain, your body, and your business. Auto Transform offers some smart ideas to practically move chaos to order, improving your bottom line.

First, we need to identify what chaos and clutter can do to us:

“Our physical environments influence our cognition, emotions and subsequent behaviours, including our relationships with others.”

And when you are a tradie – experienced or just starting out – this is a consideration you should be paying attention to.

And if you are a fleet manager, making sure your on-the-road teams are sharp, stable, and comfortable within the environments they work in – their vehicles – is a vital element of duty of care.

Looking at the individual tradesperson first, a messy and disorganised van (physical environment) can lead to a chaotic workday (cognition, emotion and behaviour) and can lead customers to question whom they have hired for the job (relationships with others).

A well-organised fit-out on the other hand, positively influences your customer relationships – because you leave a more professional impression and knowing that everything in the vehicle is in order, allows you to really listen and focus on your customers – reinforcing the positive customer experience.

And we know that happy customers make referrals.

From a fleet perspective, well-organised vehicles allow your drivers to swap vehicles without wasting time on checking their stock and searching for misplaced tools. They can trust that each vehicle is maintained well, organised in the same way, and ready to go.

Smart vehicle fit-outs are transferrable – usually good for the life of two vehicles, eight years – and can therefore be considered an asset investment from the very onset to well over the useful life of the first vehicle.

Keeping your vehicle(s) organised helps you to stay on track and you can better look after your vehicle; giving you back time for scheduled maintenance, and reducing unnecessary wear and tear on vehicles and equipment through the efficiencies you create by having your equipment on hand, on site and on call. It also allows you to better support a healthy work/life balance.  
To summarise – being organised takes you…
•    From frustration to being in control.
•    From anxiety to calmness.
•    From stressed to fully focused.
•    From panicked to confident that everything is in order.
•    From improvisation to carrying out the job to perfection.

This is not just convenient marketing coincidence, but proven scientific fact, backed up by significant research which suggests “clearing clutter from the home and work environment results in a better ability to focus and process information, as well as increased productivity.”

That is a hugely important fact when you consider that Increased productivity directly translates into more revenue.

Order can save you money

Structure and order don’t only make you feel better – they can also improve your profits. How?
Through efficiency!

Being organised allows you to:
•    Cover more jobs with one run.
•    Saving petrol on lower mileage.
•    Reducing the wear and tear of your vehicle.
•    Improve back-office processes and fleet workflows.
•    Reduce time at the base.
•    Run a tighter appointment schedule.

Being better organised not only saves you money, but it allows you to earn MORE money because you are on the road to serve more customers in the same amount of time.

Vehicle organisation is not only about losing time searching for tools or spare parts, but also about working smarter, more effectively, more efficiently and more safely – remembering that we are discussing the effect of order versus chaos on the mind AND the body, and a well organised vehicle has a safe space for everything and everything in its safe space.

Moving smarter to better business

Whether you run a fleet or only one vehicle – better work processes lead to better vehicle and fit-out maintenance which results in less downtime and lower maintenance costs.

These are very tangible results that you can measure and track. However, there are also intangible results that are harder to measure but no less significant…

It’s a big jump from how order affects your life in general to smart, in-vehicle storage solutions, but at Auto Transform, the team is so passionate about this because they know how order can improve quality of life.

“And that,” says managing director of Auto Transform Daniel Stanners “is something that we want to share with you because we care about transforming and innovating for a better quality of life.

“An excellent example of this innovation, and a way of bringing order from chaos,” he says “is the deployment of our latest development, the online vehicle fit-out configurator, which helps you see all that can be done to make your tool-of-trade vehicles move smarter. Watch this space!”   

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