Drive down fleet emissions with EROAD

Fleet Management

Around nine percent of New Zealand’s domestic emissions come from construction and 17 percent from transport. New Zealand’s Emissions Reduction Plan outlines targets and actions which touch every sector of our economy, including bringing building-related emissions to net zero by 2050, and reducing emissions from transport by 41 percent by 2035.

Forward-thinking businesses operating in the civil construction and engineering sector, are recognising this as an opportunity to do business in a more sustainable way, but they need technology that can support them to measure and achieve their sustainability goals.

One such business is Mātanga Projects. Based in Taupō in the North Island of New Zealand, Mātanga Projects are on a mission to be the region’s top civil project management company.

Managing high-quality civil projects in Taupō and the surrounding areas, the team is dedicated to delivering exceptional solutions that transform communities for a sustainable future. “We see that sustainability is the way of the future.” says Brad McKenzie, Director of Mātanga Projects.

Mātanga Projects approached EROAD to help them manage their fleet safely, efficiently, and sustainably. “We’re trying to get our technology in place early so we can be ahead of the game,” adds Brad.

Managing civil projects across different terrains and customer sites, the team need vehicles and technology they can rely on. When Mātanga Projects chose EROAD as their fleet management partner, Brad says there were four key things they needed, which EROAD delivered on: Tracking the fleet’s carbon emission footprint. Tracking where vehicles are for safety reasons. Calculating accurate mileage for invoicing purposes, and Improving driver behaviour.

Safer driving is eco-driving – Brad maintains that having a safe, reliable and sustainable fleet was key to their vehicle and technology purchasing decisions. “We purposely bought new vehicles that have great carbon emission ratings, and are very economical. With EROAD on board, we’re then able to track the vehicles for safety purposes, and drivers get instant feedback that encourages better driving behaviour.”

To encourage safer, more eco-friendly driving behaviour, Mātanga Projects use the Drive Buddy app, which provides real-time driver coaching via the driver-facing screen, alerting drivers to any potentially unsafe behaviours. Safe driving behaviour which the app encourages includes driving to the speed limit, smooth acceleration, and gentle braking – these also happen to be fuel-saving behaviours.

“Since installing EROAD, we’ve seen reduced carbon emissions, better driver behaviour, and more accurate mileage,” says Brad.

EROAD data shows that customers with an Ehubo and Posted Speed display in their light vehicles had 48 percent fewer speeding events.

Capturing emissions reduction – for this team, who are dedicated to reducing emissions and building sustainably, the combination of in-vehicle technology, accurate data and insights and reporting they get from EROAD is invaluable.

By monitoring their fleet with EROAD, Mātanga Projects are able to track and measure their fleet emissions easily through EROAD’s Sustainability Module. The tool is helping them to understand their fleet’s total emissions and emissions intensity, and how they stack up against others in their industry.

In March the team had a 28 percent month-on-month reduction in their fleet’s CO2 emissions, and Brad underscores the importance of measuring when it comes to sustainable action, “Last month we achieved a 28 percent reduction in our fleet’s CO2 emissions, which we would have had a hard time measuring without EROAD.”

Brad is clear that within six months of installing EROAD, the fleet management system is delivering tangible benefits to his business. “EROAD is an awesome tool. It creates better driving behaviours which in turn creates safer drivers. I’d highly recommend this technology for other businesses.”

EROAD’s fleet management solutions connect vehicles, assets and operations in one platform, so businesses like Mātanga Projects can make real-time decisions from real-time data. Helping them run safer, greener, more productive businesses, which in turn moves us all forward towards a safer and more sustainable future. Ready to transform your fleet with EROAD’s fleet sustainability solutions? Contact our team of experts today.

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